Parent Communication

February 2025: What's Happening in NYC Public Schools

Talent Show Ticket Order Form  Talent show tickets 2025.docx 

Calling all volunteers! The PTA is looking for volunteers for our largest fundraiser of the year, the Annual Auction, taking place on March 28th. Please use the Google form linked to sign up to volunteer. There's something for everyone - sign up today! 

Donations Needed for the Auction Student Benefit Dinner  Donations Needed for the Auction Student Benefit Dinner.pdf 

Kids Heart Challenge Launch!  KHC 2-3-25 Launch Flyer-2- Spanish.pdf  KHC 2-3-25 Launch Flyer-3- Simplified Chinese.pdf  KHC 2-3-25 Launch Flyer-2- Russian.pdf  KHC 2-3-25 Launch Flyer 1.pdf 

Parents of students in grades K-3rd ACTIVATE your child's Save for College Account today  Spanish-English_Citywide-Flyer_Spring-2025.pdf  Russian-English_Citywide-Flyer_Spring-2025.pdf  Chinese-Simp-English_Citywide-Flyer_Spring-2025.pdf  Arabic-English_Citywide-Flyer_Spring-2025.pdf 

Respect for All Week Letter of Activities  25 RFA Parent Letter.docx 

Auction Donations Wanted Wednesdays and Save the Date  Auction WANTED Wednesdays docx 1.pdf 

Yearbook Letter  PS 5 Parent flyer Yearbook.pdf  Yearbook letter 2024-2025.docx 

PTA Sweetheart Dance  Sweetheart Table Reservation Sheet2025.docx 

Hiring Food Service workers  LinkNYCOFNSHiringSpring2025.pdf 

Talent Show Letter from the Chairs  Talent Show Letter 2025 - FINAL.docx 

A Hero Needs a Hero Giving Tree Project Letter to Parents  A Hero Needs A Hero Parent Letter 2024.docx 

Holiday Fair Shopping Schedule  Holiday Fair Schedule 2024 1.docx 

P.S. 5 Literacy Workshop  LITERACY WORKSHOP.pdf 

PTA Holiday Dinner Invite Honoring Mrs. Arcuri  PTA Holiday Dinner Invite.jpg 

Schoolwide Multicultural Project. Please fill out the Google Form linked HERE to share your family customs and traditions.

Calling all Mystery Reader Volunteers  2025 mystery reader letter.docx 

Please help support P.S. 5's sustainability plan by participating in our Plastic Free Lunch Day on November 19th. Please the letter sent home from the NYCPS Office of Energy & Sustainability.  Copy of PFLD Letter_English 1.docx 

Letter from Ms. Cusumano explaining the changes that were made to our grading policy in September, as well as the updated grading policy.   Grading Policy Change.docx  2024-2025 Grading Policy Updated Sept 2024.docx 
Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser Order Form. Orders due by November 19th. Pick up is November 27th 2-3:30 PM on the corner of Kingdom and Deisius.  2024 Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser.pdf 
Veteran's Day Collection - We need your help! Please see the letter for our Veteran's Day Collection taking place now, until November 8th. There will be a box in the lobby for all donations  Veterans Day Collection.docx 

PS 5 is participating in "Operation Staten Island Elf" for the children affected by the hurricanes in North Carolina. We are asking families to bring in new unwrapped toys. There will be a collection box in the main lobby from 11/1-11/15.  toy drive.pdf 

Letter from Ms. Cusumano regarding Parent Teacher Conferences for the 2024-2025 school year  31R005 Non Attendance Letter.pdf 

P.S. 5 Goes Pink! Letter for Fundraiser and Breast Cancer Walk on October 27th  October 2024 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Pink Ribbon Parent Letter.docx 


Letter for PS 5 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Fundraiser  Making Strides Dime Water Bottle.docx 

Letter for Mrs. Arcuri's Clap Out  clap out letter.docx 

Truck or Treat Parent Letter  Trunk or Treat 2024 Parent Letter.pdf 

Find your child's Halloween Parade schedule here!  Halloween parent letter 2024.docx 

Find your child's book fair schedule here!  2024 Book Fair Schedule.docx 

Fundraiser letter for MSK in awareness of Childhood Cancer  2024 September fundraiser - Childhood Cancer letter PS 5 Goes Gold 1.docx 

Click here to request a device for home use.

Scholastic Book Fair Principal's Letter  Scholastic Bookfair Principal-Letter-2024.docx 

To order pictures for grades K-4 follow the instructions below:

Click on Order MYPHOTO

Enter Keycode Underclass (Pre-pay code) :  25PS5UC

Parents can click on the active gallery to view and purchase our picture packages and items.

To order pictures for Grade 5 follow the instructions below:
Click on Order MYPHOTO
Enter Keycode Graduation (Pre-pay code) :  25PS5GR
Parents can click on the active gallery to view and purchase our picture packages and items.

PTA Mums Sale Flyer  Mums Sale.docx 

In response to several requests, the PS5 PTA opened the sale of the Rocco Strong T-shirts. Please use this link to order: All orders must be submitted by September 11th. Thank you!

Dear P.S. 5 families,

We want to welcome you warmly to the 2024-2025 school year. We will host our curriculum conferences in September. These conferences will familiarize you with the grade expectations for your student(s) as well as classroom policies and procedures throughout the school year. Please save the dates below for your child’s curriculum conference. Please note this meeting is for parents/guardians only. Please arrange for childcare as there will not be room to accommodate adults and children in each classroom. Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to seeing you on the dates below.

Curriculum Conferences 2024-2025



9/9/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)


9/10/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)

Grade 1

9/11/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)

Grade 2

9/12/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)

Grade 3

9/12/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)

Grade 4

9/9/24 (3:40-4:40 PM)

Grade 5

We're having a book fair! Click here to create your e-wallet and sign up for special pre-releases!

You can opt back into receiving SMS messages by texting RESUME to the SMS Short Code, 88911

Operoo Notice  Operoo.docx 

Summer Reading Log 


Hope you are enjoying your summer!
We have opened the PS 5 spirit shop. It will close on August 4th so that all orders are received before school starts. All orders will ship to home.
Here is the link to purchase:

Mark your calendars and attend these very informative workshops presented by the Central Crisis Support Team. 

This summer, we are running a series of family engagement workshops. Workshops will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, times vary and are indicated below. The invitation is open to anyone who would like to join. Interpretation series will be available.

Series I: Mondays in July and August we will focus on Creating A Healthier Life:

When: Jul 8,15,22,29 and August 5,12,19, 26  2024 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for these meetings:


Series II: Tuesdays in July and August we will focus on Emotional and Psychological Wellness

When: Jul 9,16,23,30, and August 6,13,20,27 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for these meetings:


Series III: Thursdays in July and August we will focus on Hope: Overcoming The Impact of Trauma on Families

When: Jul 11, 18, 25, and August 1, 8,15, 22, 29  2024 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Register in advance for these meetings:

P.S. 5 Bus Schedule

Bus Schedule for 2024-25  

Morning Routes 

 Route Info R1310.xlsx  Route Info R1215.xlsx  Route Info R1258.xlsx 

Afternoon Routes

 Route Info R9295.xlsx  Route Info R9236.xlsx 

Transportation Overview


In an effort to provide peace of mind and convenience to those families whose students use school buses to get to and from school,  NYCPS created the NYC School Bus App, an innovation that makes school transportation smoother, safer, and easier for our families.  

 This app, designed in partnership with Via, allows families to track their child’s school bus as it travels to and from school. What does this look like? Let’s say you’re waiting at your child’s bus stop, and it’s 10 minutes past the time they usually arrive. Instead of wondering where they are, you can simply check the app for their real-time location.  

 Families with students in grades K-12 who take our yellow bus service can sign up with a few easy steps:  

 First, scan the QR code below. Then, make sure you have activated your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). You’ll also need your student’s nine-digit OSIS ID number on hand. After, download the NYC School Bus App from your device’s mobile application store. Use your NYCSA information to log in and select the child whose route you’d like to track.  

 Please note: if your child's route does not display on the app, it means their bus driver has not yet signed up. So far, about 75% of our bus drivers have enrolled in this program, and we are working to reach full participation in the coming weeks. 

 QR Code to Open Bus App 

District 31 Events

We are excited to announce that we will host a 7-week series of family workshops on the Science of Reading on Thursdays at 6 pmbeginning this week on February 6th  Braintrust_ScienceofReadingWorkshops_English and Spanish.pdf38145_                     ScienceOfReadingWorshops_Chinese.pdf38145_                      ScienceOfReadingWorshops_Bangla.pdf
District 31 and CEC 31 are hosting a Stop Bullying Event at Petrides, Borough Hall of Science on Wednesday, January 22nd at 5:30 PM. DA Community Liaison Agnus McBeth and Student Services Director Robert Laurenzano are the guest speakers for the evening. 

Virtual link for the event:

Google registration form:

Keep Our Kids Safe Online Safety Presentation. This event is scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 23rd at 6pm at Port Richmond High School. Adults only please. 

 Keeping Our Kids Safe January 23rd at 6pm 


Please come out and support Crimsonrise second annual waterfront Walk, Run and Roll to honor the memory of Nicholas D'Amora

 Flyer for Crimsonrise Walk, Run, and Roll event 

Please see the flyers linked for FREE events happening all around our Staten Island Parks.  NYC Parks Free September Summer Outdoor Movie Series.pdf  Sept 2024.pdf  2024-2025 Afterschool Flyer SI v 1_No Onsite CL edits - SJ Edits 1.pdf 

P.S. 5’s School Charter- one of the pillars of RULER

P.S. 5 Digital Parent Handbook

Ms. Cusumano's Messages



Citywide Behavioral Expectations

District 31 Communications from Acting Superintendent, Dr. Roderick Palton

NYC Community & Citywide Education Councils Candidate Eligibility DOC011025-01102025133649.pdf 
The Community Education Council of District 31 would like to invite you and all our D31 and SID75 families to our Monthly Business and Calendar Meeting for January. The meeting begins at 6:30PM and the Calendar Meeting will follow at 7:30PM. Our meeting is an opportunity to receive reports from your council members, hear updates on District 31 from our Superintendent, and for you to ask questions about and provide feedback on the District's educational progress. Please see our attached flyer below and find this month's meeting agenda and meeting minutes from last month attached. We look forward to seeing you there!
CCHS Invites you to our January Calendar & Business Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 8th, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Tweed Courthouse, 52 Chambers St., New York, NY 10007, 2nd Floor Conference Room. 
*This is a Hybrid Meeting* Register in advance for this meeting for Zoom access at
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. To sign up for public comment and resolutions, please register here:
Sign-up for public comment will close at 6:45 PM on January 8th, 2025.
For Spanish Interpretation, Call: +1 347-966-4114, and enter Phone Conference ID: 238 146 586#
For Mandarin Interpretation Call: +1 347-966-4114, and enter Phone Conference ID: 743 599 77#

We are very excited to announce the upcoming Parent Sip and Paint Event with Acting Superintendent Dr. Palton. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 13th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM in the Borough Hall of Science. We hope to see you there!  D31 Paint and Sip flyer.pdf 

The Community Education Council of District 31 would like to invite you and all our D31 and SID75 families to our Monthly Business and Calendar Meeting for November this evening. The meeting begins at 6:30PM and the Calendar Meeting will follow at 7:30PM. Our meeting is an opportunity to receive reports from your council members, hear updates on District 31 from our Superintendent, and for you to ask questions about and provide feedback on the District's educational progress. Please see our attached flyer with speakers below and find this month's meeting agenda and meeting minutes from last month attached. We look forward to seeing you there!  Fw_ EXTERNAL CEC31 Monthly Business Calendar Meeting Invite for Click the following link to join us:  

Please see the flyers attached for the Safe Streets, Safe Schools: A Community Call to Action - Saturday, October 26th  RE_ Safe Streets Safe Schools_ A Community Call to Action - Saturday October 

The DOE is hosting a citywide family and community resource fair at Murry Bergtraum High School (411 Pearl Street; New York, NY 10038) from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. on November 16; interested participants are invited to register for the festival by November 15. The event will be a space for all school families to have fun and connect with NYCPS offices, community-based organizations, city agencies, cultural institutions, and more. Please click here to access flyers available in all DOE languages. 

Information for the upcoming UFT Family Summit Meeting on November 9th - Registration Required - Please see flyers:  Family Summit Eng registration.pdf  Family Summit Spanish registration_SP.pdf 

The Community Education Council of District 31 would like to invite you to our October Business and Calendar Meeting. Our Business Meeting will begin at 6:30PM and the Calendar Meeting will follow at 7:30PM. Our meeting is an opportunity to receive reports from your council members, hear updates on District 31 from our Superintendent, and for you to ask questions about and provide feedback on the District's educational progress. We look forward to seeing you there!

 D31 Community Letter.pdf 

We are excited to announce that the Central Crisis Support Team (CCST) will continue hosting family workshops throughout the school year! These workshops are designed to support families and caregivers as they engage with the new academic year.

Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Reacclimating to school
• Trauma-informed practices
• Test anxiety
• And much more!

The workshops will run until the end of the school year, with dates and registration links available through December. Please feel free to share this information with your school communities and parents. We’re committed to providing ongoing support for families, helping them stay engaged and thrive in their children’s education. Interpretation services will be available in Spanish. To register for upcoming workshops, please refer to the links on the flyer. Thank you for your continued support!

 Flyer for parent workshops 

Welcome Back from Superintendant Dr. Marion Wilson.